As someone who lives in France, I could not agree more.

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Personally, I would also likely support Le Pen if I would have actually lived in France. I would not have supported her father, nor even her in 2017, but by 2022, I came around due to me getting fed up with people getting murdered for "Islamophobic" speech.

Seems like France's future might be rather similar to Israel's or India's. A Muslim percentage of 15-20% and a very nationalistic majority population. (The fact that Le Pen is open to European, Jewish, et cetera immigration doesn't undercut her nationalism; it simply portrays her as a Pan-European nationalist. Israel also had and still has a lot of immigration, specifically of Jews and Jewish-descended people (up to 25% Jewish and their immediate family members).)

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Israeli and Indian Muslims have perpetrated pretty much no terrorist attacks. Very unlike France. Israeli Muslims post-10/7 side more and more with Israel over Palestine, and Indian Muslims with India over Pakistan. Can the same be said of France?

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I’m supporting Le Pen *precisely because* I want French Muslims to behave much more like Israeli Muslims and Indian Muslims.

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Not right now, No, but hopefully this could eventually become the case after people like Marine Le Pen are (hopefully) in power in France for a sufficiently long time period.

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Dunno about India, but terrorist attacks by Israeli Muslims are rather commonplace, I don't think the country has gone two months without one for the year-and-a-half I'm in it. Sometimes it's Palestinians who slipped through the border, but quite often not.

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